A two hour meeting has turned into three hours - you’re thirsty, you can’t see the screen properly, it’s stuffy and your mind keeps wandering. For the rest of the day, you feel drained, unmotivated and agitated. You’re jinxed; your boardroom has got the better of you, we’ve all been there!

We recommend approaching your boardroom design and fit out by thinking about the kind of attitude and behaviour you want to encourage. Most employers want their boardrooms to be buzzing with energy and focus, not subdued and dreary.

Keep it inclusive

Boardrooms need to provide a level of privacy with proper acoustics. If possible, they should be located away from noisy areas and thoroughfares to curb potential disruptions and distractions. You might also consider using textured and noise-absorbing fabrics, partitions and panels. At Suez, their boardroom is private and situated away from main working areas, however still has a full glass wall to foster an inclusive culture.

Let the light in

Bright air, bright thoughts! We all need to receive a certain amount of natural light each day to ensure a good night’s sleep and keep our circadian rhythms in check. So, to make sure your exec team is performing at their best, your boardroom needs to let in as much natural light as possible. At Anomaly, their boardroom is situated on the corner of the fifth floor, with floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides, letting in plenty of external and internal light. The sunshine is complemented with wooden finishes and touches of biophilia to help the boardroom boost our basic needs.

Suez sustainable office fit out
Anomaly meeting space in modern office design

...and use a splash of colour

Boardrooms are where some pretty big decisions are made, so you need to make sure it’s an inspiring environment that reflects your brand. That's exactly what the red carpet has done in one of the Alan Turing Institute's key meeting rooms. A splash of on-brand colour can help subconsciously ensure that your brand values are considered in any decisions. Incorporating certain colours in the design can also impact the mood of the room; with red promoting invigoration, green generating calm and blue boasting a sense of reassurance.

Alan Turing meeting area design