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An innovation room does not equal innovation

Home Insights An innovation room does not equal innovation

In recent years, companies have witnessed the downfall of industry giants due to their failure to innovate. To address this challenge, many organisations have created dedicated "innovation" rooms in their workspaces. However, simply labeling a room for innovation does not guarantee actual innovation. Thinking outside the box should not be confined to a literal box.

While a new office environment alone cannot cultivate a culture of innovation, it can support and enhance an organisation's innovation efforts. Designing workspaces to encourage serendipitous encounters between different departments promotes the potential for innovation within the company.

Boardroom with a cityscape view

Leading innovative organisations like Google and Apple, they do not rely solely on designated innovation rooms. Instead, innovation permeates throughout their entire buildings, with creativity and collaboration flowing through every corridor and facet. Innovation is a team initiative involving diverse disciplines working together to generate ideas and bring them to market.

To maximise innovation, companies need to integrate it into their daily processes. It should be a regular topic in meetings, appraisals and reports and it should be on every manager's agenda. Establishing dedicated workshops and quantifying innovation efforts in terms of impact and quantity can help change the company's culture and foster a more innovative mindset.

One to one booths are complemented by wall mounted beam lighting

It is important to remember that while physical spaces and processes can support innovation, it is the organisational culture that ultimately determines its success. Without employees who are motivated to challenge the status quo, the office environment can only do so much. Innovation requires a diverse team with various skill sets, including creative thinkers, business minds, financial analysts, implementers and marketing experts. Providing a rich and immersive workplace experience that stimulates minds and encourages exploration can foster innovation more effectively than confining it to a single boxed room.