The Great Resignation, Big Quit, Great Reshuffle – however you want to term it, the current trend of people leaving their employers to find a better job is clear to see.

Ashley Skinner

Workplace Consultant

20th Jul 2022

2 minutes read time

Indeed, a study from the Future Forum reveals that 57% of global knowledge workers are open to the idea of looking for a new job in 2022 in the hope of finding a better experience of work.

Workplace changes (namely remote and hybrid working) brought about by the pandemic, have made people rethink what they want out of life – and from their employers. The time of silent dissatisfaction is over, and the bar has been raised in terms of meaningful work and the workplace experience.

Staff collaborating at Three's Reading HQ

Three UK, Reading

With newfound vigour, companies are exploring how the office fits into our new world and building on its role in providing a better experience. The best firms are taking this time of change as an opportunity to give people something better: a new and improved balance between their physical workspace and office space that helps people collaborate, innovate and build long-lasting relationships. Things they can’t get over Zoom working from home.

Modern office design at Morgan Lovell's Bracknell office

Morgan Lovell, Bracknell

We’re seeing workplaces adapted and transformed to better fit a new world of work. These new spaces cater for different needs depending on their occupants’ requirements, while also considering staff wellbeing and what the business wants. For an example of what a great post-pandemic office should look like, see the new office design for Three UK in Reading.

Collaboration in Three's Reading office

Three UK, Reading

As employers entice people back, they must provide workspaces that people want to be in. That might include spaces for focussed work with plenty of acoustic and visual privacy; it might mean offering collaborative spaces backed by easy-to-use tech; or providing spaces that take into consideration their neuro-diversity and wellbeing.

Office booth seating with biophilia

The Body Shop, London

Offices can deliver in these areas and more. Build it and they will come.

To find out more, read the full insight paper.