Sustainable office evolution across six floors

The Elm Yard Building has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past three years, showcasing a dynamic collaboration between GPE and Morgan Lovell. From subtle enhancements to comprehensive Cat A+ fit out, the project spans multiple levels, each with its unique design approach.

Key features

  • Pastel and earthy tones
  • Workplace variety
  • Biophilic office design
  • Subtle location brand elements
  • Sophisticated but delicate industrial flair

Project description

Level 1 and Level 2 at Elm Yard are strategically designed to infuse flexibility into the space, with Level 1 featuring an enticing show suite that allows prospective tenants to visualise their own space in the building. In contrast, Level 2 remains a Cat A fit out, offering tenants the opportunity to tailor furniture and finishes to align with individual brand aesthetics. This approach not only showcases adaptability but also celebrated the harmony between design and functionality.

At the core of the Elm Yard's design philosophy lies an unwavering commitment to sustainability, combined seamlessly with aesthetics and functionality. Sustainability is more than a mere consideration; it is a guiding principle that informs every design decision at Elm Yard. Recycled plasterboard, repurposed lighting fixtures and custom-engineered lighting and acoustics are meticulously incorporated, ensuring a balance between form and environmental consciousness. The Winter Garden space on Levels 9 and 10 exemplifies this philosophy, offering a serene and adaptable environment created using repurposed furniture from the GPE portfolio. The commitment to sustainability became a tangible narrative woven into the fabric of the transformed building.

Designing for Fluidity and Overcoming Challenges

Navigating the challenges posed by the building's internal dynamics, the project's design triumphs in creating an engaging and functional workplace. The innovative approach to the staircase, which connects Levels 9 and 10, stands as a testament to the project's ingenuity. By integrating gradient lighting and a carefully crafted design, the staircase has become an exciting journey, encouraging interaction and exploration. Addressing the challenge of providing private spaces in a warm environment, the design opted for open and collaborative workspaces, maintaining a balance between seclusion and energy. The project showcases not only design prowess but also the ability to conquer practical obstacles with creative solutions.

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