As a direct response to this growing demand, many mobile technology and services firms are tailoring their solutions to address the bespoke needs of clients.

The range of available solutions is expanding rapidly with a huge amount of choice available to companies. For example, Microsoft introduced a myriad of Surface™ devices and has expanded the functionality of Skype™ software.

However, from an organisational perspective, it is important that any technical solution provides the required agility to maintain core business continuity. We have prepared a checklist below that can be used when evaluating different technology options.

  • Does your current solution allow individuals to work away from their desk?

    Simply put, any solution must be able to support employees to share workstations, whilst making use of other spaces such as quiet rooms and meeting rooms in the office, or to conduct ad-hoc work at home and elsewhere. With access to laptops, thin-client devices, tablets and smartphones, employees can be expected to be productive irrespective of location.

  • Does your solution allow for unforeseen business changes?

    Any solution must support business agility where the movement of individuals, business units or business processes to other locations, including client sites and other offices may be required. Certain corporate processes, such as finance, administration, HR or IT within the business, may also be centralised to an alternative location. How solutions can manage change should therefore be a major consideration.

  • Does your current IT infrastructure enable staff to use the most appropriate device?

    The capability to move work content to the most suitable device type, be it a desktop, laptop, tablet, blackberry or any other thin-client device that is best suited to complete the task at hand, may become a key enabler in your organisation’s ability to deliver core business. A one-person-one-workstation model may hinder levels of productivity in instances where workers may not be able to access organisational information or resources from alternate locations. It is worth bearing this in mind when evaluating alternative solutions.

  • Are you making the most of technology to improve collaboration, employee training and further development?

    One-to-one human contact is always preferable, however in instances where your staff need to be mobile in order to do their job, what provisions are in place to facilitate staff collaboration, resolve conflicts or provide further training and development? Is your organisation making most out of the collaboration tools (such as video conferencing, Telepresence™, Mediascape™, smart boards etc…) and online platforms (such as the Intranet, Skype™, Spark™, Yammer™, Chatter™, CRM platforms and/or social media) designed to improve worker connectivity, productivity and further development? You need to ask, are your remote workers able to work as effectively as staff working from your office?