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Home Checklists Assessing Your Workplace For COVID-19
The road to re-opening your office after COVID-19 will start with thoroughly assessing your office with capacity limits in mind, and understanding how you can adapt your space to welcome staff back.
Engage with your staff from day one, as their input into developing these procedures will ensure trust and increase adoption. This will also help teams re-connect with the buisness after working apart for the past few months.
All business-related activities must follow HM Government guidelines and this document should be read in conjunction with those as they are updated.
Where social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, you should consider whether that activity is business-critical.
It's important to carry out a thorough risk assessment of your workplace, this will likely cover these five key areas.
• Develop cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with Government guidance
• Encourage and help staff to work from home
• Take all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
• Where people cannot be 2m apart, do everything practical to manage transmission risk
• Share the results with your staff
These are the people who will undertake the assessment, interpret Government guidelines and develop your own unique policy for bringing staff back to the office. Be sure to involve:
It's important to involve your staff in their return-to-work planning. This will help you understand what they expect, what works for them, and especially foster a sense of community in when you re-open your office after COVID-19. This will help develop a robust office strategy.
You're going to have to think carefully about how adapting your office for the new COVID-19 way of working will impact different spaces.
We strongly advise that you limit the number of meetings being held on-site and still try and have virtual meetings where possible. However, there are some instances whereby visitors will still be required to visit your office. Commonly, these will be short-term, high-frequency visitors like delivery personnel.
This will be staff and guest's first experience of your post-COVID-19 workplace policy. Be sure to get all of the basics right here, as it will influence the rest of their visit to your office. It's especially important to think about all the different types of visitors and ways they may access your office.
Once people are in your office, it's important to ensure they're still following safe distancing practice while moving around your office. With all of these, make sure you consider fire and building regulations.
This is where staff will most likely spend most of their time while in your office.
Less than 8 capacity
More than 8 capacity
Once they are established, avoid changes so that where contact is unavoidable, this happens between the same people