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Make a business case for activity based working

Home Checklists Make a business case for activity based working

Before you embark on activity based working, it can be helpful to build a business case for senior managers as well as employees. Here are some factors to include that can demonstrate the tangible benefits of activity based working.

  • Cost per square foot

    How much is your office costing you per square foot, and how much could you save with a move to activity based working? Compare the costs of fixed desks for everyone versus shared spaces based on actual utilisation.

  • Cost per employee

    When it comes to your property, measuring the cost of housing an employee in a building can highlight the true cost and help you focus your efforts on maximising the space you have.

  • Reduced churn

    Accommodating fixed desks for everyone means constant churn as teams change. An activity based workplace eliminates the need to constantly move workstations and teams around.

The Macquarie Group estimated a total savings of $10 million for one office building.

  • Lower energy consumption

    When Macquarie Bank implemented Activity Based Working in their office, they reduced their energy consumption by 50%, saving a significant amount of money and lowering their carbon footprint at the same time.

  • Accommodating future growth

    An activity based workplace is better equipped to accommodate future growth, eliminating the need to take on additional space

  • Recruiting and retention numbers

    Factor in reduced recruiting costs as companies who have implemented Activity Based Working have reported a boost in recruitment. Also, factor in better staff retention, as staff are more likely to stay at a company which offers more flexibility.

  • Reduction in sick time

    Activity Based Working eliminates the need for staff to use sick days for childcare or home deliveries. In addition, it reduces stress, which has been proven to boost employees’ immune systems.